Notice is hereby given that the Mountain Transit Authority of 1096 Broad Street,
Summerville, WV 26651 is applying for a grant under 49 U.S.C. Section 5311. A general description of the grant proposal is as follows: Mountain Transit Authority located at 1096 Broad Street, Summersville, WV, is applying for a grant under 49 U.S.C Section 5311. A general description of the grant proposal is as follows: Mountain Transit Authority is seeking approximately $825,000 of FTA 49 U.S.C Section 5311 and Local (including State) Funding to provide operating assistance for transportation services during fiscal year 2021 and to repair the MTA office/maintenance facility located in Summersville, WV.
MTA offers deviated fixed route service to the general public, which includes services tailored to meet the needs of the elderly and disabled. These services will be provided in the West Virginia counties of Nicholas, Greenbrier, Webster and Pocahontas. MTA currently provides the following services to meet the needs elderly and/or disabled individuals: 1) A Call A Ride Service, Monday-Friday, in the Summersville area; 2) A checkpoint route, Monday-Friday, in the Lewisburg/Fairlea area stopping at several apartment complexes; 3) Daily services to/from a sheltered workshop near Craigsville for the benefit of people in the Summersville-Richwood-Craigsville area; 4) available transportation for the clients of Seneca Health services; 5) Non-Emergency Medical Services; 6) MTA offers lift equipped buses on all routes; 7) MTA drivers that are ready to assist any passenger on/off the buses, or assist with parcels if the need is apparent. In order to ensure that the transportation needs of the disabled and elderly are being met, MTA requires that any interested party submit comments and/or suggestions on the service to MTA at the address below. Comments must be received by MTA before March 6, 2020. Should 49 U.S.C. Section 5311 Capital Funds become available, equipment to be purchased under this category may include, but not limited to: buses, vans, or other paratransit vehicles; radios and communication equipment; passengers shelters; wheelchair lifts; computer hardware/software; spare parts or components; and, other durable goods. Persons interested in holding a public hearing regarding the possible procurement of capital equipment must submit a written request before March 6, 2020. MTA operations will not have a significant impact on the environment. Also, no persons, families or businesses will be displaced by this project. Under VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied of benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under its program of transit service delivery in related benefits. If translation services of any type (written or oral) are needed, please contact Mountain Transit Authority. The purpose of this notice is to afford affected citizens, private transportation providers, and other interested agencies an opportunity to examine the proposal and offer comments and/or recommendations of the overall scope of the proposed project. The grant proposal will be available for the public inspection and comment until March 6, 2020, between the hours of 8am-3pm in the office of Mountain Transit Authority. If requested, MTA will schedule a public hearing to discuss the grant application. MTA 1096 Broad Street, Summersville, WV 26651. Additionally, copies of comments maybe submitted to the following: Executive Director, West Virginia Division of Public Transit, 1900 Kanawha Blvd, East, Building 5, Room 650, Charleston, WV 25305.
Timothy P. Thomas, MTA General Manager